The movie begins with Peter, whose parents mysteriously depart by leaving him at Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s house. A few years later, Peter is in his teenage and he is bullied by a few students at his school. He has a huge crush on Gwen Stacey, who is his schoolmate. Peter finds some papers of his father and he gets to know that his father worked with Dr. Cunnors, who is a famous scientist at Oscorp. He enters the Oscorp and in the lab, he is bitten by one of the spiders, these are the genetically modified spiders that are used for the development of Biocable.
After leaving the place, Peter discovers that he has got the abilities of a spider. After noticing the Crime taking place in the area, he decides to use his abilities to stop the Crime and to save people from the criminals.New story of Peter Parker begins, narrated by the authors of the film “The Amazing Spider Man\", to view this movie can be done on our website.