The movie begins with Maria, a mother, who lost her son in a tragic car accident. She finds it very difficult to recover from the incident. At the time of the accident, Maria could save any one of them, either her son or her daughter. Instead of her son, Oliver, Maria saved her daughter Lucy and the guilt of not saving Oliver is killing her inside.
After a failed suicide attempt, Maria is given a way of apologizing to Oliver by her housekeeper Piki. In Piki’s village, there is a temple where there is a thin line between the dead and the living and by scattering Oliver’s dead body’s ash at the temple’s steps and locking herself in she can speak to Oliver. But she is Warned by Piki not to open the door at any means. Maria does everything as she says, She speaks with Oliver and on Olivers request she opens the door but finds nothing. She returns home and learns that Oliver is back.