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The Secret Scripture poster

The Secret Scripture

In the Centre of the story, narrated by the authors of Dramatic film \"The Secret Scripture\" is Rosanna, beautiful woman, which in their youth are incredibly loved life. She had grand plans, and their implementation seemed only a matter of time. But everything went wrong, as she had imagined. Rosanna fell into a psychiatric institution at a time when it seemed that all the roads are open in front of her.

Now, when many years have passed, it still continues to be locked up. She spent behind bars for so long that even the doctors don\'t know why she is here and does it make sense to continue to keep it within the four walls. Nobody is does not pay until the clinic doctor does not appear Green. Having obtained the post of chief physician, he proceeds to examine the case of the girl. He discovers the hidden diary, which she keeps for several decades in a row. In these text-the Mystery of its conclusion and the incredible story of life and love.
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  • Genre:
  • Drama, Romance
  • Country:
  • Ireland
  • Director:
  • Jim Sheridan
  • IMDb:
  • 6.6
  • Year:
  • 2016
  • Actors:
  • Rooney Mara, Aidan Turner, Eric Bana, Theo James, Jack Reynor