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Attack the Block

There are many people concerned with the problem of contact with aliens. Hundreds of science fiction writers have made projections of first meetings with someone else\'s mind and described the contact with different degrees of optimism or pessimism. But not always aliens Warn about his intentions to carry out the invasion and contact. So it happened this time, when the aliens landed in South London. This area controls the Group juvenile hooligans, holding at Bay the entire constituency.

And have this happen, that they are the first who meets alien aggressors. When the alien ship commits a hard landing on one of the cars, real guys decide to Rob a damaged car, and here it\'s the first contact takes place. Among the newcomers is clearly evil intention, but they\'re not on those attacked. With hooligans be trifled with, so the bad guys suddenly become the hope of mankind for salvation from aliens.
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  • Genre:
  • Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
  • Country:
  • UK, France
  • Director:
  • Joe Cornish
  • IMDb:
  • 6.6
  • Year:
  • 2011
  • Actors:
  • Jodie Whittaker, John Boyega, Alex Esmail, Leeon Jones, Franz Drameh