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American Hustle poster

American Hustle

The story of a Dramatic Comedy titled \"American Hustle\" movie plot unfold in the seventies in New Jersey, State of the northeast United States. In the heart of the story of the film is a professional con artist and Adventurer Irving Rosenfeld, he received money for his life with the help of various fake sales of paintings by popular artists, he gave all fejkovye original paintings, which are worth a lot of money.

Irving worked not just one, but in the company of a charming partner and mistress Sidney Rosenfeld together went through a lot of scams, but a few began to work very hard. After the case started to go really bad Rozenfeldu it was necessary to cooperate with agents from the FBI, to display all the corrupt politicians and mobsters on clean water, they are all povjazli in the depth of corruption and need all the catch. Using the proud and nerve agent named Richie and his couple of scams come into dangerous criminal grouping as mediators. The main objective of this operation will be purchasable Mayor Carmine Polito. All partners will need to remove the cheaters on cam while deal and show their real face.
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  • Genre:
  • Crime, Drama
  • Country:
  • USA
  • Director:
  • David O. Russell
  • IMDb:
  • 7.3
  • Year:
  • 2013
  • Actors:
  • Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Jennifer Lawrence