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Brick Mansions poster

Brick Mansions

Luc Besson continues to write scripts and produce movies that are sure to become popular. New work kinokorporation \"EuropaCorp\" is a hard-boiled Thriller \"Brick Mansions\", a remake of the acclaimed film 13rd district. In the center of the plot — law enforcement confrontation dangerous gang, capturing power in one area of the city. A gang of criminals, led by the dangerous and brutal drug dealer Tremejna, seized control of not the best area of Detroit called brick houses, turning it into a closed and very dangerous zone where a thriving drug trade, violence and complete lawlessness.

City authorities want to demolish abandoned houses ghetto but Tremayne all means protects brick houses, for which even steals a powerful bomb capable wiped off the face of the earth floor of the city. To fight with a gang in brick houses send police detective under cover of Damien Kohler. Help him in this difficult matter can only local resident and minor offender Lino, who knows Brick Mansions.
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  • Genre:
  • Action, Crime, Sci-Fi, Thriller
  • Country:
  • France, Canada
  • Director:
  • Camille Delamarre
  • IMDb:
  • 5.7
  • Year:
  • 2014
  • Actors:
  • Paul Walker, David Belle, RZA, Gouchy Boy, Catalina Denis