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Apocalypto poster


Feature film «Apocalypto», directed by Mel Gibson, tells the story of the ancient Maya civilization in pre-Columbian period. The film is interesting because all conversations between characters occur in the ancient jukaiekskom Maya language, and the translation is done by titles. This kind of reception of Mel Gibson, allows you to fully immerse yourself in those days, more understanding of the History and culture of the tribes.

The plot of the film \"Apocalypto\" is the story of a young Indian named Jaguar Paw, whose settlement was ransacked and destroyed more than tribe strong enemy tribe. The strongest of men and young women taken prisoner.
But Jaguar Paw managed to save and hide his pregnant wife with a young son in a deep pit. The invaders are captured in a Mayan city, men for cruel sacrifice to the gods, and women to slavery. After seeing the horrific rituals Jaguar Paw to the last resists invaders. Forces more than give him a chance at life, but it is not easy to leave the Mayan city alive. But the young Hunter is a great stimulus prompt to save his beloved wife and children.
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  • Genre:
  • Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller
  • Country:
  • USA
  • Director:
  • Mel Gibson
  • IMDb:
  • 7.8
  • Year:
  • 2006
  • Actors:
  • Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Hernández, Jonathan Brewer, Morris Birdyellowhead, Carlos Emilio Báez