I Love You Phillip Morris poster
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I Love You Phillip Morris

Till ten years Steve Russell was the most ordinary child, but then his life started developing in absolutely unpredictable direction. At first he learned that is the adopted child, and decided to find by all means the presents native. Having become the exemplary police officer, Steve reached position of dear person. Besides, searches of the native were crowned with success, and Steve could find the biological parents, but he didn't reach a consent with himself and understood that leads others life.

Last straw before transformation into the new person was road accident after which Steve understood, life and as a little he enjoys it is how transient. At this moment new Steve was born: the impudent swindler who isn't hiding the homosexual orientation and turning one impudent swindle for another. Having got on the illegal acts, Steve appeared once in prison where met Philipp Morris – the person who became love of all his life.
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