District 9 poster
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District 9

There was about what fantasts and supporters of theories spoke about an extraterrestrial origin of life long ago: contact with an alien civilization nevertheless took place. Only the scenario according to which it passed, left in perplexity very many. The vehicle of aliens, notorious UFO, it broke and necessary to hang over the Republic of South Africa, and the newcomers who appeared refugees and incapable to leave Earth, remained uninvited guests here.

On purpose somehow to settle relationship between representatives of two civilizations who strongly from each other differ (aliens remind Crustacea and hardly reproduce the English speech, preferring communication in language, incomprehensible for most of people) I was to create the area No. 9 – some kind of reservation for newcomers. The main character – the reporter who in the course of work on material around No. 9 gets wound and gets under close attention of the government.
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