I Am Heath Ledger poster
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I Am Heath Ledger

In the center of close attention there is a film industry figure ambiguous, odious and known for the whole world – Heath Ledger. The most talented actor, the gifted actor, it always plunged into shooting process, long prepared for all without exception to roles and completely reincarnated, becoming the next character.

The cheerful, constantly smiling fellow very responsibly approached business of the life. In this movie founders will tell unknown History of a young idol of millions. Interview to his family will be paid much attention. People who best of all knew that happens in soul at the young ambitious guy, will tell incredibly important points and details from his life. Also in a picture films and videos which he did during various travel and other important events will be used.

Ledger documented the hidden part of the existence, and, at last, the viewer will be able to see and this party in various details. The favourite actor, having flashed for so short instant in a star firmament of Hollywood, forever I remained in the hearts of millions of the audience who, with bated breath, expected each movie with its participation.

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