Margin Call poster
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Margin Call

In September, 2008 the world economic crisis which scales at that moment still nobody could foresee only just began. Then only top managers of the Wall Street understood, than crisis can turn back, and did everything possible to reduce possible consequences. One of the staff of large investment bank conducts own research.

Having applied the program of the market analysis, he understands that ahead – falling of share price, a collapse of the market and bankruptcy of bank in which it works. The next day reduction begins, the employee appears one of which victims also, but before leaving from a workplace he manages to give to the assistant a flash card with the practices. In the evening of the same day analysts come to a conclusion that calculations were true, and that crash of bank is inevitable. Now they need to develop strategy of behaviour in the market: they need or to begin dumping of Actions, or to wait for further succession of events.

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