Life of Pi poster
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Life of Pi

This is a survival Drama film made in America. Pi is the name of the hero who has spent 12 years of his life in an Indian city Pudduchery in strict Hindu and vegetarian family. His father owns a zoo in the city and Pi start showing his interest in the zoo animals. He loves the Bengal tiger named Richard Parker and tries to go close to him. Pi’s father shows him the scene where the tiger kills the goat and eats it up and also Warns to stay away from the tiger.

When Pi become 16 year old, his father decides to move the zoo to Canada. They book a Japanese freighter ship for travelling to Canada. When a ship catches in the sea storm, Pi and few other animals got themselves on the life boat and then travel endlessly in the open sea. The rest of the part is worth watching on the screen as it shows various natures of the animals and human.
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