Starred Up poster
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Starred Up

Problems and wrong choices often lead people to great trouble in life, and sometimes even threaten imprisonment. Everybody knows that for a violation of the law should be punished, but not all people can cope with them or turn away from a criminal path. And the protagonist of the Drama movie "Starred Up" is a young guy Eric has never been good character, kindness and love to the world.

From an early age, the boy grew up a difficult child and was extremely cruel, and over the years, the character of Erika became worse and led guy to criminals, as well as to a term of imprisonment in a colony for minors. The guy eventually transferred to prison for adults, where punishment is serving his father. Eric didn't see him for many years, but even in this closed space between relatives is not installed family closeness. In this awful place you want to be able to stand up for themselves, to make contact with the right people and protect their lives.

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