Ender's Game poster
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Ender's Game

Mankind is waging a long izmatyvajushhuju War with an alien race attacking zhukerov armadami spacecraft and not sparing the earthmen. That's twice the land exposed to the rapid attack and the next impact, people do not survive. There is only one way to deal with aliens: prepare a special Commander who can beat incredibly cohesive enemy in strategy and combat tactics.

Time before a new attack still there and military gathered in a school for gifted children in Earth orbit with steady mentality and ability to master doing battle in space. One of the candidates, training in space becomes Andrew Wiggin, nicknamed "Ender"-friendly little boy, whose older brother got into the program because of its aggressiveness. Sitting at the new location, Andrew begins learning that not everyone can sustain, and among his opponents finds real friends, which brings the overall experience.
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