Leatherface poster
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"Leatherface"-movie-prequel to the original picture, started the whole franchise. Jackson lives with his family in the wilderness. Here are their rules and regulations, which the boy shares only partially. His family behind mother Verna, and she teaches the offspring to a giant Turkey carving guests and cooking from them the most varied dishes. Sojeram pretty long manages to hide their own biases from the neighborhood, but secret pops up. Ranger Hal Hartman takes Jackson, where the victim may be his daughter.

The boy placed in a mental hospital, where all sorts of teens with asocial behavior characteristics. The doctor, be trampled underfoot, not excessively considerate with patients experimenting with treatment, effectively transforming the Wards in Guinea. The bloody riot does not force yourself to wait long. Young people run away, taking with it a zapugannuju nurse hostage. Starts the race, where death would haunt and runaway, and their catching up. While Jackson begins her metamorphosis, becoming gradually thus maniac who will shake all of America.

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