The film "Boys in the trees" begins in the hjellouinskuju night of the year 1997. This time becomes an occasion for fun group of teenagers, among whom it turns out Django, Cory and their pals, taking skateboarding. Despite the fact that their childhood was already over, and adult life is about to knock at the door guys are not going to grow up.
Suddenly life Cory changes after he coincidentally meets Jonah, a man who once thought to be his close friend. They spent a lot of time in childhood and therefore, Cory decides to help him when he sees as above it mocks Django. He sincerely feels sorry for his friend, so he agrees. But what began as a simple walk through the empty streets of the suburb, transformed into something unusual and macabre. Guys share horrific stories, trying to create a special atmosphere. After talking with a friend, Cory realizes that they have much more in common than it seemed. Here's the only Halloween even the most forgotten secrets sooner or later vypolzut outWards and nightmares is bound to become a reality.