The Transporter poster
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The Transporter

Crime Thriller "The TranSporter" talks about the business of Frank Martin ignatovich, who is engaged in the tranSportation of any cargoes, capable to get into his BMW. TranSporting goods along the southern coast of France, Frank always quickly and accurately doing its job. It follows three main rules that never breaks. The first rule is never to change terms of the deal. The second rule is not to ask any names. The third rule is to never watch that for the goods you.

It is like it clients, which is enough for a good life. New tranSportation, as usual, does not promise nothing strange until Frank had not looked into the trunk and saw that cargo moves. Violating rule number three, Frank opens the bag and finds there's a young girl whose life is now in his hands. Whether to follow the carrier its remaining two rules, or to save the girl's life?

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