A Scanner Darkly poster
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A Scanner Darkly

Feature film "A Scanner Darkly" filmed in unusual Animation and gaming, science fiction genre. During production of the film, was used as a film and Animation work. Action movie occur in the not too distant future, in Orange County, California. World mired in paranoia and hallucinations, some people can no longer distinguish reality from imagination and reason new strong narcotic "substance D". The police in all the struggles with drugs and introduces secret agents, the so-called moles, to monitor dangerous individuals.

With the help of special costumes, allowing any human face, agents monitor objects. Once the special agent Robert Arktoru charge monitor drug-addicted Bob Arktorom that was essentially a surveillance for yourself. The absurdity of such Action strikes the Bob, he realizes that his friends James Barris and Donna Hawthorne might not those people who they say. Bob begins to experience real MindWarp, because in this addictive delirious all so confusing ...

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