Fracture poster
76% 24%


After learning that his wife cheated on him, the protagonist killed her by shooting him in the head, then shot several times into the air and began to wait for the arrival of the police. When the servant of the law appeared, the man didn't bother to resist arrest, and immediately went with detectives and has made a written confession. All were confident that the Court will be quick and the killer received their just deserts, but this story made several unexpected twists.

First hero abandoned solicitor and any additional privileges and, despite the serious charges, his whole appearance showed that fears nothing. Later this behavior found an explanation: the killer took advantage of the presumption of innocence and made so that any evidence against him, including a confession were declared null and void. However, the story has not ended: after committing an error, the killer again proved at the trial, a young Assistant District Attorney decided at any price to achieve a just verdict for him.

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